Inicio EPA/DHA vegano
Cerebro | cardiovascular | cabello, piel y uñas
3.9 out of 5 stars. 45 reviews

EPA/DHA vegano

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Vimergy Vegan EPA/DHA provides higher potency with more EPA & DHA than typical fish oil supplements.

  • Capsule Convenience - Vimergy Vegan Omega 3 EPA/DHA available in avegan softgel for enhanced convenience in keeping your routine on track.
  • More Potent - Vimergy Vegan EPA/DHA delivers higher potency omega-3 fatty acids with more EPA & DHA than typical fish oil supplements.
  • Provides EPA & DHA - Every serving contains163mg of EPA and 326mg of DHA.
  • Mixology by Vimergy - Vimergy supplements are perfect for personalizing your nutrients to your daily needs.
  • Peace of Mind Clean - Vimergy pure formulas keep things clean to give you peace of mind when using our products.

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Organic Ashwagandha 10:1 Vimergy Supplements Vitamins
4.7 out of 5 stars. 71 reviews

Estado de ánimo | sueño | cerebro

Ashwagandha líquida
4.0 out of 5 stars. 618 reviews
412 of 618 reviewers received a sample product or took part in a promotion

Estado de ánimo | sueño | cerebro

Melisa líquida
4.7 out of 5 stars. 61 reviews

Articulación | cerebro | cardiovascular

Curcumina con cúrcuma
5.0 out of 5 stars. 56 reviews

Articulaciones | cabello, piel y uñas

4.7 out of 5 stars. 136 reviews

Estado de ánimo | energía | cardiovascular

Glicinato de magnesio
4.7 out of 5 stars. 197 reviews

Inmunidad | articulaciones | cabello, piel y uñas

Polvo de poder inmunológico Micro-C

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Detalles del producto

Beneficios del uso diario


EPA and DHA target cardiovascular risk factors including supporting healthy triglyceride levels, encouraging healthy vascular function and promoting cardiac performance.


Omega-3 fatty acids can promote joint health and help soothe tissues and structures in body such as those found in joints.


Omega-3 fatty acids may support healthy moisture levels, tear production, and benefit the retina in the eye.* In the brain, they support healthy cellular communication and sharpen cognitive functions.


  • Higher potency with more EPA & DHA than typical fish oil supplements#
  • Benefits cardiovascular health*
  • Provides brain benefits*
  • Supports joint health*
  • Promotes eye health*
  • Integral component of vital cellular structures*
  • Every serving contains 163mg of EPA and 326mg of DHA
  • Contains antioxidant vitamin E
  • Fish-Free, Gluten-Free, Natural and Artificial Flavors-Free, Carrageenan-Free, Citric Acid-Free, Gelatin-Free
  • Easy to take in capsule form (avoid having to take foul-tasting omega 3 liquids!)
  • Non-GMO, Soy-Free, Kosher, Vegan & Paleo Friendly
  • No Citric Acid and No Gelatin


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27 out of 37 (73%) reviewers recommend this product
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1 to 8 of 45 Reviews
1 – 8 of 45 Reviews
Baltimore, MD
1 out of 5 stars.

Awful taste, no benefits after a month

2 years ago
I believe Vimergy makes quality supplements so this may just be one person’s experience, but the aftertaste was so awful, it got harder and harder to take as the days went by. Fishy burps even when taken with food. I thought, This is vegan, why am I tasting fish? Then I checked the label and saw it was made from algae. Being fortunate enough to not have a restricted diet, I switched to Nordic Naturals, and it is so much better and easier to take, with zero aftertaste. For those who are vegan, I recommend chasing it with a little peppermint oil. Sorry, Vimergy, I will stick to your other products but this one is truly unpleasant.

No, I do not recommend this product.


Originally posted on Vimergy

Houston, TX
5 out of 5 stars.

Helps with dry-eye and fishy taste is minimal

Emily R.
3 months ago
I was diagnosed with dry eye, and using the Vegan EPA/DHA has really helped tremendously! I got it for the omega 3's and everything else is bonus. I have seen other reviews mentioning the fishy burbs or taste after taking it. Its definitely there but subtle, but for me what I've been doing is staying upright for at least 30 minutes after I take it, and also having another supplement afterward to mask it some. I use Cats Claw and Lemon Balm after taking this one, but im sure anything would work. Those things seem to help and haven't had much of an issue with the fishy aspect. Worth it!

Yes, I recommend this product.


Originally posted on Vimergy

WA State
1 out of 5 stars.

Aftertaste prevents use

a year ago
This product is an extreme disappointment. The aftertaste is horrible, won't go away, lasting hours in my experiences. I expected more from this brand. I contacted them because I thought I got a bad batch but not the case, I guess. I am surprised that they don't have some sort of protective capsule to bypass the upper digestive tract in order to prevent the "algae" aftertaste or specific recommendations to avoid the aftertaste. I tried to take it a few different times with & without food, but it just doesn't settle well. I am enjoying the other Vimergy products, but not this one.

No, I do not recommend this product.


Originally posted on Vimergy

1 out of 5 stars.

Hasn't worked for me

3 months ago
I bought this a month ago and haven't enjoyed it. I only take 1 daily at dinnertime, and I get horrible algae-like burps plus upset stomach. I loe Vimergy products, but this hasn't worked for me.

No, I do not recommend this product.


Originally posted on Vimergy

Response from Vimergy:
2 months ago
Customer Service
Thank you for your feedback. Storing in the fridge can help mitigate any smell or taste. I can see we have only had a couple of other people report burping, and I am unsure how they resolved. We normally recommend taking it at different times of the day, with or without food, and find that works.
New Milford, NJ
5 out of 5 stars.

Amazing product for eye health

2 years ago
I've been taking this supplement for alittle over a year now. I was experiencing alot of twitching on my left eyelid and after doing some research I decided to try this supplement. Well, within a month I started noticing that my eyelid was not twitching as much. I had an appt with my ophthalmologist because the eye twitching was bothering me so much and by the time I had my appt, thanks to this supplement my twitching had stopped. It's almost non existent anymore. I've been taking it over over a year now so I highly recommend it for eye health!

Yes, I recommend this product.


Originally posted on Vimergy

2 out of 5 stars.

Not for me …

Poppa B
a year ago
I’m here because of Medical Medium and if Vimergy offers it, I’m choosing Vimergy. However, I can’t do this product. It smells awful, gives me “fish burps” without the fish, and is disgusting to ingest. When I reached out to inquire, this is the response I got: The product is still safe and algae may smell. Rancidity is not an issue, our Vegan EPA DHA product has an air bubble in the capsule. The air bubble is comprised of 78% Nitrogen and 21% Oxygen as standard air. The void space or bubble is because the capsule is only filled 75% of the space to target weight. We mitigate any decomposition or rancidity by the addition of Sunflower sourced (non-allergenic) Vitamin E to act as an antioxidant and protect the Omega-3 from said rancidity. I love Vimergy but this isn’t for me.

No, I do not recommend this product.


Originally posted on Vimergy

New Milford, NJ
5 out of 5 stars.

Amazing supplement for eye health

2 years ago
I've been taking this supplement for over a year now. I was experiencing alot of twitching on my left eyelid and after doing research I decided to try this. Well after the first month I started noticing the twitching was alot less and 3 months later by the time I had an appt with my ophthalmologist, the twitching was almost non existant. I am so thankful to have this amazing supplement! I highly recommend it for eye health.

Yes, I recommend this product.


Originally posted on Vimergy

5 out of 5 stars.

Dry Skin

a year ago
I recently bumped up my dosage to 3/day as directed on the bottle, I was taking only 1-2/day. My dry cracked skin has greatly improved, especially the worst area, my heels. I had recently upped my immune support at the same time so not sure if the improvement was 100% the EPA/DHA alone or a combination. I use other herbs & supplements from Vimergy that I was using at the same time I increased my EPA/DHA dosage.

Yes, I recommend this product.


Originally posted on Vimergy