Homepage D3 Vegano Liquido
Ossa | immunità
3.9 out of 5 stars. 61 reviews

D3 Vegano Liquido

30 €

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Vimergy Vegan D3 è una fonte di vitamina D3 potente e di alta qualità. Vimergy Vegan D3 utilizza olio MCT di alta qualità per apportare ben 1000 UI di vitamina D3 vegana per porzione. La vitamina D3 è una delle poche vitamine liposolubili, il che significa che necessitano di grassi per essere assorbite.

  • Assorbimento rapido -Integratore VeganD3 disponibile in forma liquida per un assorbimento più rapido rispetto a softgel,
    capsule o compresse.
  • Fonte vegana di D3 - Vimergy Vegan D3, ricavato dall'estratto di lichene ricco di colecalciferolo, è al 100% di origine vegetale ed è la stessa forma prodotta naturalmente con l'esposizione al sole. La maggior parte della vitamina D3 proviene dalla lana di pecora e non è di origine vegana; la maggior parte degli integratori vegani di vitamina D sono vitamina D2, che è meno biodisponibile.
  • Potente - Fornisce 1000 UI di vitamina D3 vegana liquida per porzione. Solo 2 ingredienti puliti: olio MCT e vitamina D3 vegana.
  • Mixology di Vimergy -Gli integratori Vimergy sono perfetti per personalizzare i tuoi nutrienti in base alle tue esigenze quotidiane.
  • Peace of Mind Clean - Le formule pulite di Vimergy e l'impegno per la trasparenza delle etichette consentono di scegliere i prodotti Vimergy con tranquillità. Formulato come integratore vegetariano senza glutine, non OGM e Paleo friendly.

Spedizione gratuita per ordini superiori a 85 €


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4.9 out of 5 stars. 60 reviews

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Dettagli del prodotto

  • Paleo

  • Vegan

  • Senza glutine

Vantaggi dell'uso quotidiano


La vitamina D3 è nota per le sue capacità di rafforzamento e costruzione delle ossa grazie al suo ruolo nell'equilibrio del calcio.


La vitamina D3 può aiutare a modulare la funzione immunitaria e supportare un sistema immunitario equilibrato attività.


Un adeguato apporto di calcio e vitamina D, come parte di una dieta equilibrata, insieme all'attività fisica, può ridurre il rischio di osteoporosi.


  • Le gocce di vitamina D3 aiutano a mantenere le ossa sane*
  • Un adeguato apporto di calcio e vitamina D, come parte di una dieta ben bilanciata, insieme all'attività fisica, può ridurre il rischio di osteoporosi*
  • La vitamina D3 supporta una sana funzione immunitaria*
  • 1.000 UI (25 mcg) di vitamina D3 in ogni porzione
  • 100% vegano e senza alcol formula
  • Può essere assunto direttamente in bocca o aggiunto a un bicchiere d'acqua, succo o frullato
  • Ha un sapore naturalmente delicato e gradevole
  • USDA Organic, senza alcol, senza glutine, non OGM, kosher, vegano e adatto alla dieta paleo
  • Senza acido citrico, riempitivi, additivi, aromi artificiali o aromi naturali


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1 to 8 of 61 Reviews
1 – 8 of 61 Reviews
1 out of 5 stars.

Please stop new spray bottle.

a month ago
I've ran out of my Vimergy vitamin D. While on the Vimergy website to order products, I've notice today that the packaging has changed from dropper to a spray bottle. I'm hesitant to buy the spray bottle because I'm concerned there might be a metal parts in the pump to spray. If that's the case, I won't be purchasing it. It would be helpful if Vimergy could provide this information on their website to keep customers informed. I kindly request that Vimergy revert to the dropper bottle for the vitamin D. If the spray bottle is not change, I will need to search for a new company for my vitamin D needs. As a loyal customer since 2019, I'm not happy with the new packaging to spray bottle.

No, I do not recommend this product.


Originally posted on Vimergy

Response from Vimergy:
5 days ago
Customer Service
Thank you for your feedback. If you have not reached out to our customer service team at help@vimergy.com previously, please do so we can address your concerns. There should not be any metal concerns from our packaging.
2 out of 5 stars.

Dispenser not ideal

a year ago
I just received my vitamin vegan D3 today. I am completely unsure how to dispense this. I try, dripping it into my mouth which didn’t work because when you have to shake it vigorously, it ends up everywhere except your mouth. I tried putting it into a spoon, but that’s also very tedious. I am forever a vimergy fan and can’t understand why this is the only product that has a completely useless dispenser. I also would appreciate if K3 in the future could be added, as this is what is needed for greater absorption.

No, I do not recommend this product.


Originally posted on Vimergy

New York, NY
5 out of 5 stars.

Beats the winter

11 months ago
I recently tested my Vitamin D levels in early Spring. I had thought that after the winter I would have reduced levels of this important vitamin. But no! Thanks to Vimergy vitamin D3, my doctor and I were both surprised that my levels had remained strong throughout the winter. Now that Spring is here, I’m not letting go of this savior. Adding it o my morning smoothie so I keep my body strong.

Yes, I recommend this product.


Originally posted on Vimergy

3 out of 5 stars.

Impossible to gauge how much you're taking

10 months ago
Like the other Vimergy products, I'm sure this is a good product, but the directions say "take 5 drops", but when you shake the bottle, the drops come out in all kinds of shapes and amounts. It is impossible to control or know how much you're taking. Terrible packaging and delivery system and will not buy again.

Originally posted on Vimergy

Philadelphia, PA
2 out of 5 stars.

I Don’t Have Time to Waste

5 months ago
I bought this product a few months ago. I love the product, but I HATE the bottle it’s in. I’m 62 years old. I don’t have time for waiting for the drips to drop out and trying to feel the drips and count the drops. Please change this drip bottle. Time is precious - and this bottle truly wastes my time.

No, I do not recommend this product.


Originally posted on Vimergy

2 out of 5 stars.

Not thrilled

a year ago
Usually love Vimergy but this product is hard to get out of the bottle and if you try to just put it in your mouth you have no idea how much your getting. Have to shake hard just to have anything come out. I shake product on back of my hand and lick it. Not how I want to take my vitamin D

No, I do not recommend this product.


Originally posted on Vimergy

3 out of 5 stars.

Organic Vegan D3

a year ago
The product is fine but I thought they forgot the dropper. Apparently not from the other reviews. Very difficult to shake the bottle and hope the drops land on your tongue! And I always shake it and it spills out of the top. PLEASE add a dropper like all the other supplements.

Yes, I recommend this product.


Originally posted on Vimergy

4 out of 5 stars.


2 years ago
Too early to review as I just started using it today. Many reviews I’ve read talk about not being able to tell how many drops are going into their mouths. I just dripped them onto a spoon and they do come out one drop at a time. Then just lick it off there. Works great.

Originally posted on Vimergy